UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares 5 Tips to Stay Focused on Studying while Fasting

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Gambar Artikel UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares 5 Tips to Stay Focused on Studying while Fasting
  • 31 Mar
  • 2023

Ilustrasi gambar (I-Stockphoto)

UM Surabaya Lecturer Shares 5 Tips to Stay Focused on Studying while Fasting

Fasting is a mandatory worship that must be done by Muslims all over the world. People who fast usually experience a very weak, lethargic and tired body condition due to holding back hunger and thirst for approximately 12 hours. A tired and sluggish body condition causes a person to be lazy and less enthusiastic in carrying out daily activities, such as studying.

Learning activities require full focus and concentration so that what is learned is easily understood and stored in brain memory. However, when in a fasting condition, it is usually difficult for someone to stay focused on studying because of the fatigue and lethargy they experience.

Lecturer at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UM Surabaya Syarifuddin shared 5 tips so that someone can stay focused on studying even though he is fasting.

According to Syarif, the first is choosing a comfortable place to study. The place to study is the first thing that must be determined by everyone who wants to study. That's because the place of study has an influence on the level of focus and concentration of one's learning.

"Everyone has a different type of place to study, therefore setting up a place to study that is comfortable and quiet is one of the tips to keep learning focused even when fasting," said Syarif Friday (31/3/23)

Second, set learning targets. Determining targets to be achieved in learning is something that affects one's learning concentration. For example, the target to be achieved in learning is to be able to do test questions easily and be given a pass in a school exam. Then it will spur a person's enthusiasm to continue learning and stay focused on understanding every subject matter he is studying.

Third, stay away from gadgets and social media. When someone is studying, it is best to keep gadgets and social media away from their reach so as not to disturb their concentration on learning. Notifications and notifications that appear in gadgets usually make someone want to open and find out about these notifications.

"This is what affects a person's concentration and focus on learning if the gadget is beside him. So what happens is that they focus more on playing gadgets and social media than studying," he added.

Fourth, interspersed with rest and stretching. When you feel tired and exhausted from studying, take a short break and stretch so that your body muscles don't get stiff. Too much self-forcing to study is also not good, so intersperse with rest and stretching so that the body is fresh again and the brain can focus again on learning.

Last study with learning media. Learning media is one means that can increase enthusiasm in learning. Learning does not only have to be serious and full of concentration, but learning can also be done using learning media so that learning is more enthusiastic and fun.

"When someone feels excited and enjoys learning, the feeling of fatigue and tiredness will disappear," concluded Syarif.