Otonom Organization (Ortom)

Otonom Organization (Ortom)

Foto Otonom Organization (Ortom)
Muhammadiyah Otonom Organization (Ortom) is an organization or body formed by Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah which, with guidance and supervision, is given the rights and obligations to manage their own household, foster certain members of the Muhammadiyah Association and in certain fields as well in order to achieve the aims and objectives of Muhammadiyah .
Foto Muhammadiyah Student Association

The Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) is an Islamic Student Organization, as well as a Muhammadiyah Ortonom Organization that operates in the fields of Religion, Student Affairs, and Community Affairs. IMM was formed in Yogyakarta on March 14, 1964. IMM itself has the goal of "seeking the formation of Islamic Academics with Noble Morals in order to achieve the Goals of Muhammadiyah".

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